GRUB hangs with Windows 2000

Soo-Hyun Choi shchoi at
Mon Jun 20 05:34:07 UTC 2005

Simon Taplin provided me a brilliant solution on this problem. The
solution to resolve this situation is to check the BIOS whether it is
set to support LBA for Win2k HDD.

So, if anyone face to a situation such as the boot up process hangs
with Win2k using GRUB, one may want to check the BIOS whether it is
set LBA support or not.


On 6/14/05, Carl Karsten <carl at> wrote:
> Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
> >>>
> >>>I did this to boot Win2k, but still hangs. :-(
> >>>
> >>
> >>I would say something on the windows partition is broken.  I think you are going
> >>to need to use a Win2k CD to repair it, which will replace grub with the MS boot
> >>loader.  Once you get windows working, you can put grub back and then everything
> >>should work.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > If I repair Win2k with the original CD, then it would overwrite MBR
> > with its own. How do I recover GRUB after recovering Win2k in this
> > way?
> >
> 2 ways I can think of:
> 1. while you still have linux, make a grub boot floppy.  After the Win repiar, use
> the floppy to boot your linux system, and then reinstall grub to the hard drive.
> 2. Live CD - Ubutnu, Knoppix, Gentoo setup or maybe even tom's Root Boot floppy.
> something that gets you to a prompt that will allow you to install grub.
> Exactly how to install grub is explained here:
> Pretty much what you need to know:
> Code Listing 8: Installing GRUB in the MBR
> grub> root (hd0,0)          (Specify where your /boot partition resides)
> grub> setup (hd0)           (Install GRUB in the MBR)
> grub> quit                  (Exit the GRUB shell)
> I am guessing (hd0,0) needs to be what was d:, either (hd0,1)if it was the same
> drive, 2nd partition or (hd1,0) if it was a 2nd drive.
> Carl K

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