nautilus ogg preview?

Dennis Shaw dennis at
Sat Jun 18 02:34:10 UTC 2005

Thanks for the info. I have mpg321 installed, which I thought was the 
same as mpg123. I'll give it a try though. Thanks!!

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

>>How can I fix the ogg preview problem? MP3's work fine when I hover over 
>>them. I did some googling and couldn't find any answers. Any help would 
>>be great!
>That's a bug ! For Warty, we were advised to install 'sox', which
>supposedly gave ogg, flac, mp3 and wav preview in Nautilus. In fact,
>only wav and mp3 worked. In Hoary, it got worse, only mp3 works... I
>guess for Breezy, nothing will work at all ! ;-/
>I remember someone here mentioning some other pacakge that worked,
>"mpg123" or something, can't remember exactly, and never tried it....
>I just hope Breezy will preview common sound files format out of the
>box, or advise us on a package that does work, unlike sox... sox sux ;o)
>Vince, couldn't resist, ashamed ;-)

Dennis Shaw

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