Network Printer Setup

Soo-Hyun Choi shchoi at
Thu Jun 16 23:02:24 UTC 2005

Yes, I am using it in the way as you mentioned. CUPS is covering this
printer just good enough, but not working perfect actually. (i.e., The
CPU usage would go as above as 90% when a priting job is active, and
it's _very_ slow.)

On 6/17/05, Scott J. Henson <scotth at> wrote:
> Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >We have a printer connected to a network. How do I setup the printer
> >if I only know of its IP address (no samba server or whatever).
> >
> >It would be appreciated if one could at least point a website related to this.
> >
> >
> It sounds like a jetdirect printer.  Cups will support it pretty much
> out of the box.  Go in and add a printer.  Say its a network printer and
> jetdirect.  Give it its ip address and you should be able to start
> printing to it.  That should be it.

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