Proftpd help

Shawn Christopher schristopheraz at
Wed Jun 15 06:53:47 UTC 2005

I know, I've emailed the list before with this question. However I'm 
trying to setup proftpd on my system and having some issues.

Reading the docs on the proftpd site it looks pretty much XMLish however 
with specific tags <Deny All></Deny All> tags for example. However I am 
trying to setup different users withing a specific directory 
/var/www/username if you will. And frankly I'm a little lost as to how I 
would configure proftpd.conf to do this? For example would it be...

<username /var/www/username>
</username /var/www/username>

or do I use...

a format of defaultroot /var/www/~

I'm trying to have so all users can FTP into their own directory on the 
webserver which then their address would be or 
something similar however I only want them to be able to FTP into their 
own directories. All the examples and explanations I have seen is to 
either set the default root to ~ or to chroot them however don't show 
the directory layout for individual users. Any ideas?


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