/dev/dsp Permission Denied

Thomas Olsen thomas_tanghus_olsen at yahoo.dk
Thu Jun 16 18:04:34 UTC 2005

On Thursday den 16. June 2005 15:14, Troy Davidson wrote:
> If I log in as my user, who setup KUbuntu on my box, I have sound and
> it works fine in all apps.
> But, I have users for my wife and son.  They log in and get a message
> saying something like "can't use audio.  /dev/dsp (Permission
> Denied)".  I look at /dev/dsp and it is RW for Root and Audio.
> So, I add them to the group Audio.  But, they still get the problem.
> I read some posts on the web, but none specifically had this error.
> Should I just change the permisison to RW for everyone on /dev/dsp?  I
> figured adding them to the group Audio would have done the trick.
> Anyone else have this problem?

Have you tried adding the users to the audio group?

Med venlig hilsen

Thomas Olsen

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