"My first 48 hours enduring Ubuntu"
Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier
ubuntu at zonker.net
Thu Jun 16 03:29:12 UTC 2005
Matthew S-H wrote:
> Use "Apple - tilde" (Apple + "~")
>> which is my point, the application interface guidelines are the computing
>> equivalent of housing associations that tell you what color you can paint
>> your house, how often you have to water your lawn, and that you can't
>> have signs on your yard or whatever...
> Umm...these /do/ exist. They are called zoning laws, and they are extremely
> common in most well-populated areas. In order to get around them you
> have to get a variance permit.
Er, some of it falls into zoning laws, some of it falls into nefarious
housing association agreements - but I'm well aware that they exist,
that's why I brought them up...
> PERFECT ANALOGY TIME!!! These zoning laws are to make houses look
> at least a little bit consistent. You don't want your neighbor to have
> a house
> that is shaped wierd, colored tie die, has unkempt grass, and extremely
> opinionated signs on his/her lawn. This would bring down the value of
> /your/
> property. He/she /could/ always find a way around this by getting a
> variance
> permit or fighting a lawsuit on the grounds of freedom of speech.
Actually, I really don't care if my neighbor does a Jackson Pollack on
their house (I actually like the idea) and I care little for
consistency. The unkempt lawn, I don't care about unless we're talking
foot-tall grass and dangerous critters.
I'm less concerned with the price of property than allowing freedom of
> In the world of Macs, it brings down the general quality of apps to have
> totally
> wayward /neighbors/. The consistency on a Mac is very nice. It increases
> productivity because you usually know where to find things, and there isn't
> much difference between each app's interface. It would be like having a
> "-v"
> parameter on a command line app that automatically changes permissions
> of your home directory. It would just be so inconsistent. Anyway, the
> restrictions are meant to be a sort of "quality control". There are
> definitely
> exceptions, but for the most part they help. If you want to get a
> "variance"
> you can always just not use Apple's interface creation apps. Consider this
> to be a sort of "variance". Like a real-world "variance", it takes a
> little bit of
> extra work to get things done. But in the end, it makes for a nicer
> desktop/community.
As I said, I understand the desire for consistency, and consistency is
often a good thing - but rigid enforcement of it kind of rubs me the
wrong way. Maybe some developer has thought up a better interface than
Apple, or maybe the Apple interface guidelines aren't appropriate for
their application.
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