gdmchooser at startup

Magnus Therning magnus at
Mon Jun 13 21:02:37 UTC 2005

On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 08:35:06PM +0200, Martin Holt Juliussen wrote:
>man, 13,.06.2005 kl. 19.18 +0100, skrev Magnus Therning:
>>>I'm experimenting with X-terminals and I want gdm to show gdmchooser
>>>instead of the standard gdm screen at startup. I have not found it in
>>>gdmconfig or gdm.conf. Can anyone clearify this?
>> Configure GDM to use the "standard greeter" on localhost using
>> System->Administration->Login Screen Setup.
>Also thanks to you, but this isn't what I'm looking for either. I don't
>want the user to be able to log in locally. I can get to the gdmchooser
>from the standard greeter, but also from all the GNOME gdm themes (not
>the Ubuntu one) so that is not the solution. It should have been
>possible to choose "XDMCP chooser" in gdmconfig.

So, what is it you want? With some more requirements it might be easier
to understand what you are asking for.

If I am to guess you'd like to have GDM running, but only allowing
logins via XDMCP. Is that right?

Why isn't it enough to disconnect screen, keyboard, and mouse, while
leaving GDM running?


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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