Sound problems Hoary
ulist at
Sat Jun 11 21:01:05 UTC 2005
Hi everyone, first post!
I also have an SiS7012 sound card, and I can't get 5.1 surround sound
to work for my mp3s in ubuntu, or any other distro for that matter. Do
I need to enable an ALSA driver? I selected "alsa" in
gstreamer-properties like cacao74 suggested, but nothing. I tried
playing my mp3s with 'totem movie player' which supposedly supports
4.0, 5.1 etc surround sound; but nothing! Maybe I need some sort of
special plugin for xmms or something for it to work?
This surround sound issue is the *only* thing keeping me from fully
ditching Windows (I need a lot of bass to enjoy music ;-)). I'm trying
my very best to prepare myself so that once I start uni I will never
need to use Windows again! Please help me in my quest!
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