OO2 Base Error: "The connection to the data source ...

Kevin C. Smith kevin at linuxsmith.com
Fri Jun 10 02:26:21 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-06-09 at 21:53 -0400, Paul M. Bucalo wrote:
> On Thursday 09 June 2005 05:37 pm, Eric Dunbar wrote:
> > > My suspicion is that I am missing an ODBC-related support file in
> > > Ubuntu. I do *not* have any SQL engine running, and wish to
> > > purposely create dBASE-compatible output from OO2 Base. I cannot
> > > see in Options where I can predetermine what format to create a
> > > new database in, the default is always ODBC/HSQL.
> >
> > Isn't mysql required for the DB portion of OO.org to work? Also, do
> > you need Java?
> I couldn't tell you, Eric. I was hoping someone would know for sure. A 
> friend created a label database without MySQL running. That would 
> imply it's not necessary. I have the latest Java RE (as far as Ubuntu 
> is concerned), so I don't think that makes a difference for me. I 
> wish the application would ask what format you want to create your 
> database in instead of defaulting to ODBC/HSQL. Maybe I should create 
> a dBASE file on my Win workstation and see if it will open it "as 
> is".
> Paul

You do not need MySQL, but can use it. HSQL is the default DB in OOo 2
and is java. Install Sun's latest java and see how things work. 

Kevin C. Smith

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