problems with evolution and gnupg (hoary)

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Thu Jun 9 20:48:27 UTC 2005

On do, 2005-06-09 at 22:35 +0200, Ulrich Steffens wrote:

> sorry for being lame on this topic :)
> but what should i actually add?
> if i add my name and email adress (which is already there in the key)
> the output of gpp stays the same: asking me for a user ID and
> evolution
> spits out the same error.
> isnt there a way to tell gpg that the key i imported is my own key
> which
> should be used in any case? like if i just generated it?

It sounds like you fundamentally misunderstand gpg :)

For encryption you always use the public key of the recepient. So you
should say:

gpg --encrypt --armor --recepient FOO < test

where FOO is the gpg key id of the recipient.
Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
  - Linux voor normale mensen:
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