Go to MY PC...

Tom Adelstein adelste at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 9 00:21:02 UTC 2005

> Does anyone know if RealVNC server, the personal edition, will be on
> speaking terms with a vnc client on ubuntu? Or any other ideas?
> Thanks!

It is on speaking terms and I use it in tests. I have it running on XP
SP2 Home Edition right here in the lab. But you want to run it over the
Internet - correct?

If you use ZoneAlarm for your dad's firewall instead of the one from
Microsoft, you can make "exceptions" and open ports in stealth mode.
Port scans won't see it. ZoneAlarm is 100% free - not open-source but
like a Guinness if you come to Dallas in the summer and drop by SMU.

You need to enable SSH on the Windows box and I suggest you use the
Putty tools and get those by installing WinSPC on the XP Box.

I don't know your dad's set up so it's difficult to offer suggestions.
Does he use a firewall device like a Linksys router? Or is he connecting
to the Internet directly? Do you know how to redirect ports?

You have many options, but having to figure this out by yourself is
tough. I saw the cygwin suggestion and tied my hands down and bit my
tongue. I'll say no more because I have used Cygwin many, many times and
totally support the project. I just don't recommend it to people who
have never used it before for this kind of work. 

In my original response, I made a typo - WIN XP Home does "not" work
with TSClient and rdesktop. Someone else reiterated that. But, you can
use another WIN XP and log on to your dad's box.

This is how it works. You setup remote assistance on your dad's box. He
sends you an email requesting your help. You use that email attachment
to log on to your dad's machine. If you have any room on a hard drive,
you can save yourself a lot of time by adding it.

Yesterday was my dad's birthday. He died Christmas night. This is the
first time in my life I didn't get to celebrate his birthday with him. I
wish I had the opportunity to do something for him now. BTW, his name
was Jack.

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