Go to MY PC...

Jonathan McLoughlin jonathan.mcloughlin at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 17:09:29 UTC 2005

VNC is the solution you are looking for I would believe

You need to install a VNC server on your XP machine, have it running
and assign a p/w to it. If you go to the VNC website download the full
client/server for your XP machine and install it.
Then from any graphical desktop you can use a client to connect to a
VNC server e.g.
$vncviewer <dad's machine name or IP> 

On 6/8/05, Jack Jackson <jackson.linux at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm looking for a linux package which will allow me to remove expensive
> and proprietary GotoMyPC from my dad's machine. I'd like to be able to
> put a client on his machine which will let me ssh into his windows
> machine and see his dekstop from mine.
> I have looked at VNC and frankly gotten highly confused at how it is
> supposed to work. Can anyone either explain it or offer another client
> which is invisible to the Windows user once installed but allows me to
> get in securely and administrate the windows XP box ?
> Thanks!
> --
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