Fonts and accents / umlaute
Reto Bachmann-Gmuer
reto at
Wed Jun 8 14:01:49 UTC 2005
Hello René
installing 'msttcorefonts'was a good idea, since the microsoft fonts do
support umlauts. Thanks!
Still I'm wondering why so many very common fonts that come with ubuntu
do not support umlauts and accents, a couple of modified characters and
the fonts would be usable in most part of europe.
Am Mittwoch, den 08.06.2005, 12:00 +0200 schrieb René L. Reingard:
> Am Wed, 08 Jun 2005 11:31:12 +0200 schrieb Reto Bachmann-Gmuer
> <reto at>:
> > The users open ms-word docs with openoffice and they lack all characters
> > with umlaut or accent (like öäüèéà). It seems that many fonts that came
> > with ubuntu do not support these characters and that oo replaces the
> > font available in windows (often "Arial") with one of these fonts (like
> > "helvetica"). Trying to find a solution I looked at the openoffice help
> > and saw that even there non-ascii chars are replaced with little boxes.
> >
> > What's the easiest way to remove all fonts without umlauts/accents?
> Hallo Reto
> Ich weiss nicht ob ich dirch korrekt verstehe: Die Sache mit den Umlauten.
> Deine Tastatur ist aber so eingestellt, dass sie die Umlaute wiedergeben
> kann, ja?
> Zu den Fonts. Du kannst unter Synaptic 'msttcorefonts' herunterladen. Das
> beinhaltet viele der in MS Word bekannten Fonts. Und wer weiss, vielleicht
> löst sich so auch gleich das Umlaut-Problem.
> Gruss,
> René
> --
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