backup xp and ubuntu then restore it from live cd

foinux foinux at
Tue Jun 7 04:21:48 UTC 2005

i'm plane to delete all partition on my harddisk than use the
instrcation as on "Howto: Backup and restore your system!" what i need
after i create partition for "xp" than the reset for ubuntu ,to restore
the xp  and ubuntu backup in removable-drive when i'm work on live cd ? 

my plane is :
1-backup to /media/backup -removable harddisk -  tar cvpfz
backup-full-ubuntu-5.04-2005-06-06.tgz / --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost
+found --exclude=/media --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys
2-delete allpartition 
3-create part for xp vfat
4-create swap than the reset for /
5-restore xp to firest partion
6.1-restore ubuntu to 3rd one
6.2-mkdir proc , lost+found ,media ,mnt ,sys
7-restore grub

5 & 6 i think i need help here, what i need to restore this backup file
to new partition from live cd ?

note : you can find this on

on last page ,but I hope it will be helpful for other here .

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