communicate with a printerserver using the mac adress ??

Paul M. Bucalo ubuntuser at
Thu Jun 2 19:11:36 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 19:50 +0200, Roland Wegmann wrote:
> Hello
> My situation: I have a printer server (Longshine LCS-PS102) and
> unfortunately I do not no the default IP address of this printer server. So
> I can't use the web browser in order to configure the printer server (static
> IP address, device name, ...).
> Longshine delivers the printer server with the Windows programm PSAdmin.
> Using this tool one can define the IP address of the printer server (and all
> the other stuff). But I dont have a Windows Box.


>From a little research through Google I found that the Longshine
LCS-PS102 can be managed through proprietary software, FTP and through a
Web browser. The information I found was not in English (German,
Spanish, but not English...go figure!) I was able to get to a Longshine
Website, but it looked old and didn't give me any clue to this kind of

You seemed pretty up on the workings of this print server. You don't
have the manual? Most printer servers designed for TCP/IP are Web
manageable. If no one has tampered with the password (or IP addressing
from the factory) and the default is known, you should be able to do
this through your browser with some guessing.

First try this IP address in your browser:

Then this as an alternative:

Whichever works will prompt you for a username and password. 'admin'
could be a possible default username and/or password.

Of course, the device needs to be on the LAN via TCP/IP connection AND
it has to be a safe assumption that *no other device or PC on the LAN is
using either of these IP addresses*. If any are, you will have a
conflict and may need to change the IP conflict at the PC's end to get
through this.

Sorry I couldn't be of much more help. I use a couple of different
printer servers of varying ages, so I am familiar with them. Never used
your brand. Hope something here helps you out.


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