ATi graphics cards

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Wed Jun 1 19:26:50 UTC 2005

> but you are aware that the nv driver comes mainly from nvidia ? there are 
> only small adjustments that can be made by the distributor.
> 	oli

Ohhhh, Oli, you really are pulling me away from Nvidia cards and pushing
me into ATI ! ;o) 
I didn't realize that the situation with Nvidia drivers were that
bad/obscure, seems a bit hopeless... :-/

Looks like I am going to seriously consider ATI for my next purchase

Thanks all for opening my eyes ;o)

Vince, ATI convert...

PS: my local Linux mate (Mandrake, nobody'sperfect ! ;-) just phoned
me.... his GeForce4 card just quit (all of a sudden, black screen !)....
replaced with an ATI as it happens !

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