
Charles Mauch cmauch at
Sun Jul 31 00:40:10 UTC 2005

Greetings from Tacoma, WA, USA, a Wasteland of Burning Tires, Lee!
On Saturday, July 30, in the 2005th year of our Lord, you wrote:

> Long-term, there are ways to make realplayer comply with esd, by wrapping
> it with esdwrapper (if I recall the name of the program correctly).

esddsp.  Just fire up your non-esd aware app with esdssp first.  Eg:

echo "Make some noice" | esddsp festival --tts

Works like a charm.

Take it easy, [cmauch at]

Charles Mauch, FSF Apologist, Debian/Ubuntu/Gentoo user, etc.
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