
Jochen Skulj jochen at
Sat Jul 30 14:28:35 UTC 2005

Lee Braiden schrieb:
> On Saturday 30 July 2005 14:48, Jochen Skulj wrote:
>>There are a lot of applications that require some libraries. From the
>>user perspective mono is just another set of libraries. I don't see any
>>reason to avoid it since the overhead isn't larger than using other
>>application that require libraries.
> Well, it's a matter of personal opinion, of course, and I'm not going to 
> debate this with you.  But from my perspective, a virtual machine, language 
> bindings, compilers, etc. are a little over the top for what amounts to a 
> sticky notes app, albeit with a new feature or two.

You're absolutely right. I didn't mean to critize your statement in any
way; I just wanted to express my personal opinion.

Jochen Skulj
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