AMD64: advice, please

Thomas Kaiser thomas at
Sat Jul 30 09:30:27 UTC 2005

Reinhard Tartler wrote:

>If I did, I would have a look at
I used lm-sensors (cmd sensors) and get 3 temperature. One of them is 
called CPU Temp and shows me 37 C. But if i look at 
/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature I get 40 C.

thomas at AMD64:~$ sensors | grep Temp
M/B Temp:    +36°C  (low  =   +15°C, high =   +40°C)   sensor = thermistor
CPU Temp:    +37°C  (low  =   +15°C, high =   +45°C)   sensor = thermistor
Temp3:       +25°C  (low  =   +15°C, high =   +45°C)   sensor = thermistor
thomas at AMD64:~$ cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature
temperature:             40 C

Regards, Thomas

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