Ubuntu Hoary - Upgrade to latest subversion release

Shot - Piotr Szotkowski shot at hot.pl
Fri Jul 29 15:26:12 UTC 2005


Gregory PiƱero:

> Thanks Shot!  That sounds great.  I can't
> wait to try it out hopefully this weekend.

Let us know how it went.

> So the big picture here is that we download Subversion from Breezy
> which then needs mostly things from Hoary but a few things from
> Breezy.

Needs to be able to be *build* (these are build-depends).
And it's exactly one thing - swig >= 1.3.24.

> So we install all of those things.  Now whenever I use apt to do
> any kind of updates everything from Hoary gets updated fine, and
> the Breezy stuff gets ignored?

Right. One should also check from time to time whether the built package
didn't get updated in Breezy - if, say, there was a 1.2.2 security
update to subversion you'd surely like to recompile it.

> The reason this is a better method than making a standalone compile
> of Subversion from source is that the hoary dependencies still get
> updated and tracked normally, and apt still knows about Subversion
> in some sense?

- apt knows that you have subversion, so other packages that depend on
  it do not try to install a second subversion (1.1) to satisfy their

- you can uninstall your package clearly

- after Breezy arrives, your pakages will be auto-upgradable

Actually the best thing we could do (I'm not sure how to do it, yet, but
I do have an idea) would be to build not subversion 1.2.0-1ubuntu1, but
subversion 1.2.0-1ubuntu1~shot1 (from the same source). The catch is
that a tilde has lower priority than no tilde at all, so from apt's
point of view 1.2.0-1ubuntu1 > 1.2.0-1ubuntu1~shot1. This way,
even if Breezy ships with subversion 1.2.0-1ubuntu1 (and not, say,
1.2.1-something), you'd still be upgraded to the "official" build of
subversion. The "official" one differs at least in that it's compiled
with Breezy's libc6 (as opposed to the one we backport to Hoary's

Note: If you'd like to have some more "fresh" packages, check whether
you have to backport them at all, or can you simply install Breezy's
.deb package.

Example: Breezy's trac package is architecture-independent and doesn't
depend on Breezy's libc6 or any other package/package version not
available in Hoary, so to have Trac 0.8.4 (instead of the insecure
0.8 present in Hoary) I simply downloaded the .deb, made sure the
system fulfills its dependencies and `dpkg -i`-ed it.

-- Shot
                  Linux continues to have almost as much soul
                  as James Brown.        -- Forrest Cook, LWN
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