Enigmail, Gnupg, and Signature Problem

John Nilsson john at milsson.nu
Thu Jul 28 18:03:37 UTC 2005

On tor, 2005-07-28 at 09:42 -0400, Alan Swartz wrote:
> I am using gpg/mime to sign outgoing emails. If I check my message in
> the Sent mail folder the signature is fine. If I check an email in my
> inbox (sending the email to myself) the signature is invalid.
> The enigmail console shows the following error...
> enigmail.js: Enigmail.decryptMessageEnd: Error in command execution


> I am beginning to wonder if it is a gnupg
> problem.

"Error in command execution" kind of suggests that it is a gpg problem.
Try to figure out exactly what command that enigmail.js tries to execute
and do some manual testing in a teminal to see if you can get a better
error message.


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