packages cd creation

Guido Heumann listguido at
Thu Jul 28 00:38:06 UTC 2005


just some ideas, maybe they help you:

ashley maher schrieb:
> G'day,
> I'm part of a team organising an Ubuntu Install est for a local
> University.
> I'm attempting to create a second install cd for this week-ends install
> fest. The students will not have net access during the install fest.
> If anybody can see a fault in my method please let me know.
> What I've been doing:
> I have a list of packages from the Uni that are used in the lab
> machines. I created a basic ubuntu install. Got the list of packages
> installed in the basic install. Created a diff of those in the basic
> install, and the uni install.

How did you make the lists? I would use dpkg --get-selections > list.txt

How did you make the diff? unfortunately I'm not familiar with command 
line diff, but mayby the output from diff confused the apt-get command:

> apt-get install -y -d `cat diff_pkg_list`

for this the input should be a plain list of package names.

you can alternatively use the combination of "dpkg --get-selections > 
list.txt" and later "dpkg --set-selections < list.txt", followed by a 
"apt-get dselect-upgrade".

> So I then had the downloaded packages, and hopefully all dependent
> packages, required to bring the basic install up to the same as a uni
> lab machine.

since you had dependency problems, it looks like there was something 
missing. perhaps the uni machine has a different sources.list or 
hand-compiled/local packages installed?

> mkdir extras_cd
> mkdir extras_cd/pool
> cp the downloaded packages to pool
> mkdir  extras_cd/dists/hoary/universe/binary-i386/
> then used this script (thanks to Matt Palmer) to create some need files:
> #!/bin/sh
> PDIR="dists/hoary/universe/binary-i386"
> dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null > $PDIR/Packages
> gzip -c $PDIR/Packages > \
>                 $PDIR/Packages.gz
> rm md5sum.txt
> md5sum $(find pool dists -type f ) > md5sum.txt
> mkisofs -r -J -l                                                \
>         -publisher "South Coast Linux Users' Group"             \
>         -V "Ubuntu Extras"                                      \
>         -o ../extras.iso .

For this I would just copy all extra packages to one directory, open a 
terminal, cd to the directory and type
"dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip > Packages.gz"

There should be one file named Packages.gz between all the .debs in this 
directory after that.

Then burn the whole directory to cd with nautulilus/gnomebaker/k3b etc

you can later add the cd to the apt repositories with "apt-cdrom add" in 
a terminal.

> Burned the iso, added it to repositories of the basic installed ubuntu,
> then tried to install all and got so many dependencey errors it looked
> like a christmas tree.
> If somebody can find what I'm doing wrong, much appreciated. Any ideas
> greatfully received, Saturday is approaching kinda like an express!

Hope this helps. Good luck for saturday!


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