Evolution : problems with the spell checker

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Jul 27 19:28:46 UTC 2005

> I think there is a big difference between misspelling a word in whatever
> language and mis-using a language when you meant to use another.
> Of course, I am sadly monolingual so I really wouldn't know.  Do you
> really mix the two inadvertently?

The real problem is that most of the time, English and French words are
'similar', and sometimes I just can't remember what is the correct
spelling for either language. So I end up right neither proper French
nor proper English, and I don't like mutilating either language :-/

Typical examples :

adresse / address

example / exemple

language / langage

That kind of thing...

I would like an easy way to tell Evolution what language I want to use.
This way it will keep correcting me and, eventually, over time, I will
write proper French, and proper English, instead of a disgusting mix of
the two :-/


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