[OT] Attn. All GMAIL users

David Woyciesjes woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jul 27 14:50:03 UTC 2005

Tommy Trussell wrote:

> On 7/27/05, Brian Walker <bfwalker at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Why exactly would one want to break the reply-to? 
>>>Especially on a list that changes the reply-to based on whether or not
>>>the sender is subscribed?
>> I would suggest that the amount of spam you receive is directly
>>proportional to the number of times a bot has trawled newsgroups to glean
>>your email return address. But I may be wrong!
> I doubt the spammers check to make sure your email address is properly
> formed. If you use this list your email message will appear somewhere,
> and you'll be picked up by spammers.
> Fortunately gmail catches MOST of the spam generated by posting to the
> lists. However, if the spam troubles you, another option is to use the
> discussion forums rather than email, though that's not perfect either.

	Actually, IIRC, that Reply-To field is there if you want to override 
the default reply address, which is taken from the From: field. Have a 
look at the headers in an e-mail message.

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818

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