Speedtouch internet connection

Alex Mandel amandel at dfg.ca.gov
Mon Jul 25 21:30:36 UTC 2005

If you want a different solution now, I would recommend a router.
For $10-30 you could get a 4 port router that handles the internet 
connection and DHCP for you.

It's easier to configure than ICS and doesn't require you to leave a 
computer on just so other ocmputers can get online.

Alsp an additional Bonus of a hardware firewall in most cases and even 
wifi if you want.
They work well with all OS since config is through web browser.


PS: I've had good exp with netgear and linksys, but shop around.

Phil Cooper wrote:
> Hi folks;
> I've got my nice (hoary) Ubuntu desktop working pretty much as I'd  like 
> it, and now the only thing that's tying me to Windows is my  internet 
> connection and Window's ICS. So, my questions:
> 1. Is it easy to get online using a USB Speedtouch 330 modem? I have  
> broadband, but connect using a username and password. Where do I start?
> 2. I'll need my Ubuntu box to share this connection with a Windows  and 
> Mac box which get their settings via DHCP - so I presume I can  get my 
> new Ubuntu box to be a DHCP server?
> Thanks from a complete Linux newbie.
>  - Phil.

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