HOWTO Slow Down USB 2.0?

Matt Patterson matt at
Mon Jul 25 16:03:24 UTC 2005

Hello all,

I have a usb 2.0/firewire drive (ipod mini specifically).  It works 
wonderfully under linux using usb 1.1, but if I connect it to usb 2.0 or 
firewire it will stop responding if I do any decent number of transfers. 
An example, under usb 2.0 or firewire, the drive mounts and I can read 
the contents. I can do things like make a directory by hand, touch a 
file, cat a small file, etc. If I try to do something like bonnie++ 
test, or gtkpod sync, the drive stops responding. Under usb 1.1 the 
drive works normally through everything.

I was wondering if there were hdparm parameters/usb/scsi parameters I 
could specify that would slow down the accesses to the drive to the most 
conservative and safe settings? Anybody got any ideas?


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