Using Smeg and terminal commands

Mario Guerra guerramarioalberto at
Sun Jul 24 16:09:49 UTC 2005

2005/7/24, BBBB <ubuntulist at>:
> I am setting up an Ubuntu box for my Brother and am trying to fine tune a
> few things.
> I want him to be comfortable with Gnome before I introduce him to the
> terminal.
> I would like for him to be able to play Chromium with sound. For Chromuim to
> play
> with sound after a reboot, I have to use the command "killall esd"
>   Is there a way to automatically do this when starting Chromium? I used

One way is to create a text file /etc/rc2.d/killesd with the line:

/usr/bin/killall esd

Then type 

chmod 700 /etc/rc2.d/killesd

Mario A. Guerra
San José, Costa RIca

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