corection qt is open source but gtk has no restrictions on use

Ed Cogburn edcogburn at
Sat Jul 23 18:06:23 UTC 2005

Lee Braiden wrote:

> On Saturday 23 July 2005 17:14, Ed Cogburn wrote:
>> Indeed I am, related but not identical.  I'm also aware that the FSF
>> folks
>> prefer you use the GPL over the LGPL, and I know why.  Do you?  Hint: RMS
>> treats the LGPL as an unwanted step-child.  Why do think they changed the
>> 'L' in its name from 'Library' to 'Lesser'?  Perhaps because they
>> consider
>> the GPL to be 'Greater'?  :)  I think its very safe to say that the FSF
>> folks are *happier* to see Qt under the GPL rather than the LGPL.
> This is an incredibly strange twist you're making in the conversation.  I
> haven't even mentioned the LGPL.

Sorry, then what else are you thinking of?  If its the FreeSoftware and
OpenSource groups themselves you're referring to then my answer would be
very similar:  related, but *absolutely* not identical.  Lord only knows
I've seen enough flame wars to know they aren't identical.  :)  The
distinction between them is just as crucial as the distinction between the

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