Problems with recent Firefox security update

Shot - Piotr Szotkowski shot at
Sat Jul 23 13:12:02 UTC 2005


Dennis Kaarsemaker:

> On za, 2005-07-23 at 14:17 +0200, Matthias Heiler wrote:

>> I don't expect konqueror to be inherently more secure than firefox or
>> mozilla are.  But because much less people are using it there probably
>> are no exploits out there.

Konqueror's engine, KHTML, is the engine of Mac OSX's Safari, and
although the upstream push from OSX to KDE varies in efficiency,
it should be generally quite well tested and secure (at least on
the engine level).

> But that's a KDE program and Ubuntu uses gnome;
> so this can hardly be called a solution :)

Why not? It's not like you can't run it under GNOME. It's just that - if
you don't use any other Qt apps, like Filelight or K3b already - apt-get
will download a couple more libraries, and the interface might differ
a bit.

If you'd like to use a non-Qt browser, though,
you can always use Mozilla, Galeon or Epiphany.

-- Shot
             I am a kind of paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people
             of plotting to make me happy.       -- J. D. Salinger
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