KDE vs Gnome

Niran Babalola iamniran at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 02:09:51 UTC 2005

On 7/20/05, Bernie Betlach <bernie at betlach.com> wrote:
> 5).  Is the desktop the only difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu? 

Basically, but there are more differences that come along with that.
Most of the development work within Ubuntu itself is focused on Gnome,
so any GUI-related improvements will fit better in Gnome than in KDE.
For instance, I hear that Synaptic is better than Kynaptic is,
although I've never used it. Also, a lot of things in the pipe for
Breezy are programs to make tasks easier to do from a GUI, and those
will be GTK/Gnome programs. They'll still run on KDE, but you lose out
on integration and a consistent look and feel.

The best thing to do is just try both and see which one you like
better. If you don't find anything to set them apart, I think the
scale tips towards Gnome in the Ubuntu world.

Niran Babalola

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