ICEWM (formerely second user login???)

Colin McDermott colmcd at
Wed Jul 20 12:37:32 UTC 2005

Basic instructions on ICEWM.

Vadim  Khohlov's Programs aka ICECC are my favorite for editing ICEWM.

Also the files are stored in a directory called .icewm from your home 
directory I.E. /home/ubuntu/.icewm to see it go ls -a

If said directory does not exists then you will need to create it. You 
can then copy the files menu, preferences, themes, desktop and other 
text files from /etc/X11/icewm (they may be in a sub directory from 
there). These are default system wide configurations. Copy them in your 
new ~/.icewm directory and create backups of them. Most editors will 
edit you re ~/.icewm files and not your system wide configurations.

Also sudo aptitude (or apt-get) install icewm-themes This gives you a 
good selection of themes for Icewm (there are more out there).

Also preferences is a huge text file of preferences for the window 
manager. You can change the number of desktops, remove the programs, 
logout, themes and other menu items not found in the menu text file. 
Basically every configuration item that is imaginable is there, just 
commented out with a #. If you remove the # and change the values wolla 
you have modified icewm.

Lastly sudo apt-get (or aptitude) install menu . This program catalogues 
the programs in your system and creates a list of them in your menu. In 
icewm this populates the programs menu which is usually blank. Once 
installed sudo update-menus to refresh the list of programs on your 
system. I still recommend editing the menu file. But via this way you 
get most of your programs on your icewm menu! :)


Colin (BTW chuck me an email if you need any help)

>Message: 2
>Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 12:33:42 +0200
>From: Yannick Le Saint (kyncani) <y.lesaint at>
>Subject: Re: second user login???
>To: Chanchao <custom at>,	Ubuntu Help and User Discussions
>	<ubuntu-users at>
>Message-ID: <20050720123342.3807c9f4.y.lesaint at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 13:35:02 +0700
>Chanchao <custom at> wrote:
>>I recently toyed around with IceWM and it seems kind of 'unfinished'.
>>(I can appreciate the light-ness, but a simple tool to add menu items
>>would be nice.)
>  Iceme is a menu editor for icewm.
>  Cheers.

Colin McDermott
Reboot Computer Reuse centre
Ubuntu Lite

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