Where do I make these changes?

Ed Fletcher ed at fletcher.ca
Wed Jul 20 02:55:23 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Barry Young wrote:
> I need a little more detail on how to do this.
> Is this the right link?
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto
> Examples with responses would sure be helpful...

I'm not sure what you're asking for.  The wiki seems _very_ clear on
how to add the extra repositories.  It even has pictures for every
step and that show the differences between Warty and Hoary.

Just follow the directions in the wiki step by step (reading every
word) and you should have no problems.  DO NOT go to the
"BreakMyUbuntu" link.  They weren't kidding when they named the link
that.  But go ahead and add the Universe, Universe Security and
Multiverse repositories.

Once you've done that (AND done a reload), you can scroll down the
software list until you find mythtv.  Mark it for installation and
click on apply.  Mythtv is in Multiverse, btw.

Of course, mythtv is just a suggestion.  There is other software
that will do what you want.

And to everyone who will lambaste me for advising Barry not to
enable  backports, extras, etc; remember that they do cause problems
that, being very new to Ubuntu, he's not yet ready to deal with.
One step at a time.

- --
Ed Fletcher
ed at fletcher.ca

When one door of happiness closes, another opens;
but often we look so long at the closed door that
we do not see the one which has opened for us.
- - Helen Keller
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