spyware in ubuntu?

Steve Feehan sfeehan at sbb.uvm.edu
Tue Jul 19 03:26:18 UTC 2005

On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 10:15:53PM -0500, Charles Malespin wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 22:56 -0400, Larry Grover wrote:
> > Charles Malespin wrote:
> > > Hi all, I have been using ubuntu for the better part of 4 months, and I
> > > have been doing all the noob things and studying as much as I can about
> > > ubuntu/linux.  I have read that for all intents and purposes you dont
> > > need anti virus in linux, but what about spyware protection?  Is there
> > > something for ubuntu to use and check if you have got spyware? Sorry if
> > > this seems like a really dumb question,  I am just asking because I
> > > would rather be safe than sorry.  Thanks, 
> > > Charles
> > 
> > It's not a dumb question.  You can't keep your system safe if you 
> > don't undertand it.
> > 
> > I've never heard of any spyware targeting linux, nor any anti-spyware 
> > programs to protect a linux system.
> > 
> > My understanding is that on a windows systme spyware infestations are 
> > generally caused by flaws in IE and outlook.  Since microsoft has not 
> > made these products available for linux you should be safe. :)
> > 
> > To make sure you stay safe, it's a good idea to:
> > 
> > (1) keep your system up to date (with synaptic or apt-get), and make 
> > sure you have the security repositories in your sources.list (the 
> > installer should have set this up for you by default)
> > 
> > (2) as much as possible, do things as a regular user, not as root; if 
> > you activate the root account, don't ever log on as root
> > 
> > These first two will keep you pretty safe by themselves, but it 
> > doesn't hurt to mention:
> > 
> > (3) don't install/activate any services (like ftp, samba, apache) that 
> > you don't need or understand; if you decide you really need to run a 
> > service, be sure you understand the security implications (if you 
> > don't, ask on this list and be prepared to do some reading).
> > 
> > Have fun & enjoy learning your new system!
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Larry
> > 
> First, thanks for all the quick responses.  I have been doing some
> reading on linux security etc. and I have been following the advice
> given by larry.  I update my system with synaptic regularly, and I never
> use root unless I need to.  The only reason I am asking is because I
> went to google today and for some reason it said that it could not
> complete the request because it had possibly detected spyware or adware
> on my computer.  But I dont know why it would say that, and it only did
> it twice. Since then it has not done it.  Just a fluke, or something I
> should worry about?  I havent really added or changed too much from
> default that would cause a major security problem(or so I think, I guess
> thats why Im asking).  Any ideas?

I'm curiuos about this. If you see this page again, can you please
post a screen shot?


Steve Feehan

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