Can't add a user, exists. Can't delete does not exist.

Dave Walker dave at
Mon Jul 18 12:12:20 UTC 2005

Scott Henson wrote:

> Dave Walker wrote:
>> Scott Henson wrote:
>>> Dave Walker wrote:
>>>> Ok I don't know how I got into this but something is broken.  A 
>>>> user was having account problems so I was going to just re-create 
>>>> the account.  I deleted the princ from Kerberos, and tried deluser 
>>>> the_username.  I got:
>>> What you need to do is 'getent passwd'
>>> That command will tell you what the system sees as far as users go.  
>>> If you see your user in there, something other than /etc/passwd is 
>>> providing that user.  You can check what is providing that user by 
>>> /etc/nsswitch.conf.   Check the passwd line.  For a normal system it 
>>> will have compat and files.  If anything else is on that line then 
>>> youll have to remove the user from there.  If your using kerberos, 
>>> you might see ldap on there.   Other than that, I'm not sure why you 
>>> would be getting that error.
>> It does show the users in there... however my nsswitch.conf:
>> passwd: files
>> So, I got nothin.
> Wow, thats odd.  I don't know of anything else that can affect nss.  I 
> work with nss on a regular basis and Ive never seen this.  Have you 
> tried a reboot?  Maybe libc is confused about your fs view?  I don't 
> know.  I'm stumped, sorry.
Re...boot?  That's a term I have not heard in a while for 
troubleshooting.  But, it seemed to act like windows and fix it.

Is it sad, that rebooting to fix a problem did not even come to mind?


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