which progrraming language to learn first

Steve Torrefranca javacide at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 17:52:11 UTC 2005

I am a java web programmer by profession but i would say Python rocks!


Mustafa Abbasi wrote:

> i have recently started using linux and since its my summer vacations
> i wantedto learn a language.
> i'll be honest part of this is so that i have  a certificate to show
> when i apply to colleges but mostly its cuz i
> wanna learn.
> so what language should i start with.
> i was thinking C or visual basic but i am not sure if visual basic can
> be used in linux ( can it???)
> are these easy to learn, if only at the begginer level.
> is there some place that would offer me a certificate for completing
> this thing.
> i live in pakistan so an online coarse that offer a certificate would
> be incredible.
> thanks.


Steve Ong Torrefranca
OnTvMall Ltd.
Tel:   (886) (2) 89132727 EXT 651
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Email:   S.Torrefranca at on-tvmall.com.tw

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