help configuring my linux router

Mustafa Abbasi lordverminard at
Thu Jul 14 16:18:35 UTC 2005

i am trying to use internet sharing on my ubuntu computer.
i can't get firestarter or DHCP or DHCP3 servers to work.

so i am currently using udhcpd.
it assigns my Winxp box an ip and subnet but not a DNS.
now i know i have to enter the DNS it assigns into a file and i know how.

Q1. what DNS should i enter. i must be getting one from my isp. do i enter 
that. if so how do i figure out what it is.
Q2.are therew an y specific setting i need to setup in Winxp. i have already 
set it with DHCP.

i used guidedog to configure my iptables.
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