burning data DVD with Graveman

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Thu Jul 14 16:28:28 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 11:38 -0400, Michael R Head wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 21:15 +0100, Norman Silverstone wrote:
> > Despite trying everything I can think of I cannot burn a file to a DVD
> > using Graveman. It seems that there is a problem in linking with
> > something called grawisofs. Please help.
> Do you have the growisofs package installed?

It is there as /usr/bin/growisofs.

>  What happens when you run it from the commandline?
> $ growisofs -Z /dev/dvd somefile-to-burn

As it is not there as a package should this work?


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