how to get apt-get to install from source

Peter Lieverdink ubuntu at
Thu Jul 14 11:45:43 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 12:41 +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Donnerstag, den 14.07.2005, 13:42 +1000 schrieb Serg Belokamen:
> > I think the question was (and if its not then here it is):
> > 
> > How would one approach building application from source (so
> > ./configure, make...) but using apt as an assistant so to speak. So,
> > for example we woulod say something like (psudo only) apt
> > path/to/source/code and it would take care of compilation and all
> > dependencies. I recall reading about something similar a while back
> > but never looked into it in detail :(
> > 
> you can achieve this with:
> sudo apt-get build-dep <package>  # gets all build dependencys...
> apt-get source -b <package>	  # gets the source and builds it
> sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb	  # installs your built package
> note that you dont need (and shouldnt use) sudo to build the package ;)

Also note that this would be completely pointless if you didn't
customise the ./configure call in the build scripts first. You'd just
end up with a apckage dientical to the precompiled one.

- P.

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