Resize Partition??

Charles Mauch cmauch at
Wed Jul 13 23:50:14 UTC 2005

This one time, in band camp, Hugh Crissman said:

>I have /home and /var as their own partitions. Ultimately, I am trying
>to borrow space from home and give it to var without destroying any
>data. Is this possible? What tools would I use? There is no X on this
>machine so any GUI tools are out.

It's really going to depend on the filesystems you chose for /var and /home.
I know you can resize reiser volumes, but it's not always safe.  The last
time I tried this resizing caused more filesystem corruption problems than
it was worth.

That said, parted should help you.  Just BACKUP first.  Actually, if your
going to backup - why not just wipe the volumes, resize them, and restore
the backup.

Take a look at the DM system as well.  (Used to be called LVM).  It'll let
you resize partitions as your system grows in the future).

Take it easy, [cmauch at]

Charles Mauch, FSF Apologist, Debian/Ubuntu/Gentoo user, etc.
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