Upgrading to breezy from Hoary?

Michael R Head burner at suppressingfire.org
Wed Jul 13 13:04:24 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 09:26 +0200, Henning Kilset Pedersen wrote:
> What I'm really after, and getting desperate at it, is getting Ruby on
> Rails to function on Ubuntu. As of two days ago, it is no longer
> possible to install Rails on top of the apt-supplied (from hoary
> universe) Ruby 1.8 packages, as some dependencies are now broken.


The instructions on this page no longer work?

Michael R Head <burner at suppressingfire.org>
GPG: http://www.suppressingfire.org/~burner/gpg.key.txt (ID 23A02B1F)
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