Mounting partitions, bizare question...

Larry Grover lgrover at
Tue Jul 12 12:28:27 UTC 2005

Ante Karamatić wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-07-12 at 10:28 +0800, Senectus . wrote:
>> Can you explain why this is a "bad thing" when it's setup on a
>> single person's home  PC with no expectation or desire for anyone
>> else to log onto it?
> Linux is multiuser system. There isn't "single person's home PC".
> Check your /etc/passwd. There are plenty users. I understand that
> most of you still think in Windows way (operating system that still
> isn't full mutliuser system). Per user settings are managed in
> user's ~, not on the level of administrator - that's how it's done
> on UNIX/Linux for decades.

Your argument is not relevant to Vince's original question:

(1) He's mounting /home from his Hoary install under his Breezy
partition.  His Breezy users have no need for the Hoary /home partition.

(2) Most of his Breezy users (listed in /etc/passwd) don't have and 
don't need a home directory:

grover at sleek:~$ cat /etc/passwd | wc -l
grover at sleek:~$ ls -1 /home/ | wc -l

Many of these "users" don't even have a login shell:

grover at sleek:~$ grep -e /bin/false /etc/passwd | wc -l

(3) Vince is root on his own system, he can administer it however he

Now, to his question:

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

> Hmm yeah, yeah, would work great at the command line, but I was
> more after integrating this into Nautilus. That is, when I click in
> the "Places" location, and select the icon for the partition, it go
> straight to /home/vincent instead of just /home, the root of the
> partition.

I think you can do what you want:

(1) Open an application that uses the gnome "Open File" dialog, like 
gedit, for example

(2) Using the file browser pane on the right, navigate to the parent 
directory which contains the directory you want to add to "Places".

(3) Highlight the directory you want to add to "Places", but don't go 
into the directory.

(4) Click the "Add" button under the lower left pane.  You should see 
a new directory listed in the left pane.  It should also show up under 
"Places" in the Nautilus menus.

It seems like there should be a more direct way to do this -- by 
editing a config file or setting a gconf key -- but I don't know how.

I don't have a Breezy install to test, but this works under Hoary and 
I expect it should work under Breezy.


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