Mounting partitions, bizare question...
Senectus .
senectus at
Tue Jul 12 02:28:56 UTC 2005
On 7/12/05, Ante Karamatić <ivoks at> wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-07-12 at 04:07 +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> > /dev/hda5:vincent /media/hda5 ext3 defaults
> You are, of course, aware that this should be preety stoopid to do,
> right? On multiuser systems, there are multiple users :) Each likes it's
> own settings. You can't force will on one (rather idealess user) to all
> other users on the computer.
> It would be much easier for you to create alias or link, wouldn't it?
> alias mydir="cd /media/hda5/vincent", resulting in simply entering
> "mydir" in terminal.
> Or link: ln -s /media/hda5/vincent /home/vincent/Desktop/my-other-disk
> That would result in simple click.
> You can't thing only of your self. Linux is multiuser system and,
> mostly, customizations per user are created by that same user.
> You really have few bizarre questions on this list :)
Can you explain why this is a "bad thing" when it's setup on a single
person's home PC with no expectation or desire for anyone else to log
onto it?
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