enhancement of the BUGDAY team

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon Jul 11 19:26:42 UTC 2005

hey community,

as you all know we have our weekly bugday every wednesday in
#ubuntu-bugs on irc.freenode.net and i'm happy to announce our new
member of the bugsquad, the beautiful dilys, a real friend of the malone
launchpad team.

join the next bugday on July 13th 2005 to hear her wonderful recitation
of recent bug prose from malone, all the day from noon to night.

to give her fresh inspiration go to malone [1] and file a new bug :)

to make her even more happy, just fix, sort, assign or verify a bug :)

ubuntu bug days, dont miss them ! join in, go squash !


[1] https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs
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