Strange message at boot

Stelian Iancu stelian.iancu at
Mon Jul 11 19:01:37 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I am using LVM and on a volume I have the /home partition with the ext3
fs. I have created this partition in FC4 as I was using this distro
before changing to Ubuntu. Of course, when I've changed the distros, I
kept my /home unformatted. 

So now everytime I boot, I get this message:

/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol01: recovering journal

fsck.ext3: Filesystem has unsupported features

*fsck: Get a newer version of e2fsck! [failed]

fsck failed. Please repair manually.

And after this I must type Ctrl+D to go further with the boot process.

Normally I wouldn't care about this message, but sometimes there are
problems with the electricity and my system restarts.

So any idea what I can do, or where from I can get a newer version of
e2fsck? I am running Hoary.

Thanks and regards,
Stelian Iancu | GPG 0x023C22CF

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