Update: Unofficial Ubuntu 5.04 Add-On CD

Chua Wen Kiat wenkiat.chua at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 14:37:21 UTC 2005

For those who:
-have no internet connections
-have problems connecting to ubuntu and backports repositories
-are too lazy to do all the apt-get and commands
-are new to linux and doesn't know much about it
-just wants things to be configured right
-wants ubuntu to be multimedia and internet ready

Unofficial Ubuntu 5.04 Add-On CD


UbuntuGuide 4.14 (http://ubuntuguide.org)

Bootable SystemRescueCd (http://sysresccd.org)
-contain tools like Partition Manager (that can resize Windows), etc.

An install script (ug-install.sh) that will:
-install all the Add-On Apps mentioned in UbuntuGuide (no internet
connection required)
-fix the sound prob (for most computers)
-associate dvd, multimedia files to open with xine and xmms rather than totem
-improved fonts appearance in GNOME desktop
-"-auto" parameter for unattended installation for all the Add-On Apps

Once after the script is installed, things are in place and multimedia
are ready to go...

To install/extract the Add-On CD
sudo sh /media/cdrom0/install.sh
*this will only copy the packages into your hardisk. a copy of
UbuntuGuide will be located on Desktop

To custom install Add-On Apps after install/extract the Add-On CD
sudo sh $HOME/Downloads/ug-install.sh
*this will prompt you [Y/n/q] to install all the Add-On Apps

Optional - To auto/unattended install Add-On Apps after
install/extract the Add-On CD
sudo sh $HOME/Downloads/ug-install.sh -auto
*this will save you a lot of time. it will assumed Y to all and apps
that needs input will only appear at the end of installation

You can find these instructions in the CD's index.html

Download (x86):

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