Ubuntu Engineer certification

Mustafa Abbasi lordverminard at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 12:24:47 UTC 2005

i know this is a bit off topic but 
is there any type of online linux training that is low-cost/free
and one can give the exam online.
i don't need to much advancement. and i wont be able to pratice much either 
when school begin in august.
but i think some sort of linux training would look really good on my 
resume/application when i apply to college next year.

On 7/11/05, Thomas Hood <jdthood at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 09:49:55 +0200, Adi Attar wrote:
> > Some of us at Ubuntu are currently working on an engineer certification
> > programme, a system administration type certification, based on the LPI
> > certification.
> Please note that the designation 'engineer' is legally protected in some
> jurisdictions. In Canada, for example, no one can call him/herself an
> engineer who is not a member of a professional organization. To become
> a member of one of the recognized professional organizations the
> candidate must have a university degree and other qualifications.
> Microsoft has lost a series of cases on this issue, most recently in
> Quebec Superior Court.
> http://www.oiq.qc.ca/whatsnew/afficher-communiques.html?441
> The professional organizations say that they intend to protect the title
> 'engineer' to the full extent of the law.
> In any case, system administrators are not engineers in the usual sense
> of the term. They are operators or technicians. Of course, these days
> everyone wants to have a job with a cool job title and since science
> and engineering have good reputations, everyone wants to be a Foo
> Scientist or a Baz Engineer.
> Please try to be less stupid than Microsoft and Novell on this issue.
> If you want to certify someone's abilities as a technician then give
> them a Ubuntu Technician certificate. The words 'Professional',
> 'Craftsman', 'Magician', etc. are all freely available too.
> --
> Thomas Hood
> --
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