Backup utility in linux

Ante Karamatić ivoks at
Mon Jul 11 05:09:37 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-07-10 at 18:20 -0400, Matthew S-H wrote:

>      - Allowing multiple versions of files to be stored like CVS,  
> except with only changes stored using something like the algorithm  
> rsync uses by default when transferring over a network.

Sorry, but I don't see a point in CVS. If you create backup on day A,
and backup on day B, then you will have two different files stored on
your tape/cdrom. Putting them both to single medium would be pointells
and wrong backuping (you loose one medium, you loose all your data).

If you really want that, you could setup CVS, and keep your data in CVS,
then backup only CVS tree.

> Permissions
>      - It should keep permissions well

This is normal thing.

> Allow output to a log file
>      - Have an option to make your program create a log file like "/ 
> path/to/backup.log".  The following would be useful in the log:

OK. There will be logs... I could even backup it.

>          - An MD5 checksum of BOTH the original folder(s)/file(s) AND  
> the backup itself.

Hehe I could check MD5 of archive on the stored medium and MD5 of temp.
archive. I don't plan to put files and dirs on medium. Only one single
archive in .tar.bz2 format.

>          - List of all commands executed.  If your command is acting  
> as a frontend for command line utilities, this could be useful for  
> people who are interested in learning how your program works but  
> don't want to look through source code.  Ideally, this "list of  
> executed commands" would be sufficient eneugh to allow the user to  
> EASILY run through the commands your program ran simply by copy- 
> pasting into a terminal.

OK. I'll figure out something...

> I am not very familiar with Python, but I'd still love to see your  
> source code.  I am currently trying to teach myself Python.
> Also, your endeavoring on this project is truly awesom.  Kudos to you  
> on your generosity :).

Code is rather pointless now. It will take some time...

Ante Karamatic|--|ivoks(@)|--|PGP: D3BDA225|--|ICQ: 64631782
May, 15. <herve> we're fixing the universe, it's not an easy duty!

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