Backup utility in linux

Matthew S-H mathbymath at
Sun Jul 10 22:20:29 UTC 2005

On Jul 10, 2005, at 4:28 PM, Ante Karamatić wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-07-10 at 21:22 +0300, ari.torhamo at wrote:
> Hehe. Well, for now, it backups home in /tmp :)
> If you have any suggestions for what fancy features you would like to
> see, please, tell me.
Just some ideas  (I don't want to sound demanding, just throwing them  
out there to see what you think):
     - Allowing multiple versions of files to be stored like CVS,  
except with only changes stored using something like the algorithm  
rsync uses by default when transferring over a network.
     - It should keep permissions well
Allow output to a log file
     - Have an option to make your program create a log file like "/ 
path/to/backup.log".  The following would be useful in the log:
         - An MD5 checksum of BOTH the original folder(s)/file(s) AND  
the backup itself.
         - List of all commands executed.  If your command is acting  
as a frontend for command line utilities, this could be useful for  
people who are interested in learning how your program works but  
don't want to look through source code.  Ideally, this "list of  
executed commands" would be sufficient eneugh to allow the user to  
EASILY run through the commands your program ran simply by copy- 
pasting into a terminal.

> I'm planing to do:
>     - scheduled backups (every day/week/etc)
>     - one time backups
>     - backups on tape, CD/DVD, file (tar.bz2)
>     - more than one pool
What do you mean by "pool"?

> This will be python frontend for standard UNIX tools; tar, cron, at,
> bzip2... So, even if backup would be created via this tool, it  
> would be
> possible to manage them with command line utilites.

I am not very familiar with Python, but I'd still love to see your  
source code.  I am currently trying to teach myself Python.
Also, your endeavoring on this project is truly awesom.  Kudos to you  
on your generosity :).


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