how to monitor hdd temprature

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Mon Jul 11 02:06:20 UTC 2005

> Well, my gkrellm after installing hddtemp is reading 31C (uptime 2d
> 18h) .... also do not know what is a good temp to set the alarm ....
> but my computer is in a fairly aggressively airconditioned office.

Ah yes, it's 25 degrees in my flat, and I have two drives heating
eachother, not just one, so maybe no wonder why yours is much cooler.

Hopefully someone will know if 52 degrees is too much or not... in the
meantime, I will google ! ;o) 
One of the drives if brand new, so maybe I can find the PDF datasheet on
the web, and see for myself what the recommenced operating temperature
range is.


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