how to create wiki
ml at
Sun Jul 10 12:06:25 UTC 2005
On Sun, 2005-07-10 at 10:54 +0500, Mustafa Abbasi wrote:
> actually i wanted to setup a wikki for my school and one for my isp.
> so that we can share info and how-tos.
> i also wanted to put google ads on it so i am gonna have to host it
> myself.
> is wikki easy to setup.
> like easier than a forum(php and mysql)
I found Mediawiki easier to setup than MoinMoin (although still easy if
you read on how to install!). MoinMoin is better in my opinion due to
the search results. I couldn't find away of searching for a phrase on
Mediawiki and the searched results displayed layout was not as good.
Mediawiki did seem quicker in searching, but it does use a database and
not flat files so it should be.
One advantage of MoinMoin as I said in my other message is that you
could give the content to be used on another platform (say your students
home PC's?).
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